Yuji Senda wrote:
> Dear Mr. David C. Merrill
> Hello. I am Yuji Senda, a japanese linux user.
> I have translated your LDP Author Guide into
> japanese and would like to distribute it under
> your copyright notice and license.
> Can it be all right to do that?
> I am a member of JF (Japanese FAQ) Project and
> we are now translating LDP Web Pages into japanese.
> My translation will be integrated into the
> japanese version of LDP Web Pages. I think your
> LDP Author Guide would be one of the most attractive
> documents because of its well organized introduction
> to the DocBook and technical writings.
> Though it might be already suggested by someone else,
> I noticed on your document, trivial as it is,
> a little bit confusing codes.
> (1)
> 'Example 4-7 Inserting tables' and 'Table 4-2.Example
> Table' are not identical. Span horizontal is not
> converted into Horizontal span. Would you mind my
> modification of Span horizontal to Horizontal Span?
> (2)
> 'Table 4-1. Useful commands' and '4.8 Listing and
> program code's programlist' has some <to></to>
> elements. But they cause me errors. May I change
> <to></to> into <para></para>?
> My draft translation is on my web page:
> http://www2.odn.ne.jp/mille/tmp/misc2/LDP/LDP-Author-Guide/
> I will notify you when my translation is officially
> released on JF site.
> Thank you for your good document.
> Best Regards.
> Yuji Senda / ysenda@pop01.odn.ne.jp
Thanks for writing about this. I am forwarding your comments to the LDP
list because I wrote only a portion of the Guide, and the whole LDP will
be interested in your work.
Dr. David C. Merrill http://www.lupercalia.net
Linux Documentation Project dmerrill@lupercalia.net
Collection Editor & Coordinator http://www.linuxdoc.org
Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on
-- Mark Twain
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