On Nov 28, 9:10pm, David Merrill wrote:
> Subject: Re: tag for translators?
> On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 06:58:38PM -0500, David Merrill wrote:
> [...]
> > The stylesheet ldp.dsl(?) also needs to be updated so <othercredit>
> > tags will generate output.
> Is somebody on top of this? It is a really good idea and we should
> implement it.
I will look into this; based on the recommendation (syntax)
from Norm/etc. that you wrote up.
sidebar - the "To Do" list has been updated, so please submit items
if necessary. Let me know if any items can be dropped
(like a "news ticker" on the front page ??). If anyone
wishes to take an item, let me/us know (you can "update"
an existing item directly from the page itself).
While updating the "To Do" list, I put together a "suggest
a document" page, which is found in the Author's area
(to coincide with the markup assistance, unmaintained docs
and "docs in progress" lists).
Greg Ferguson - s/w engr / mtlhd | gferg at sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs - http://techpubs.sgi.com/ |
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org/ | gferg at metalab.unc.edu
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