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Re: tag for translators?

On Fri, Dec 01, 2000 at 01:30:19AM +0900, CHOI Junho wrote:
> >>>>> "TS" == Taketoshi Sano <kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp> writes:
>     TS> kss> On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 07:01:46PM -0800, David Lawyer wrote:
>     >  I would like to see the mainstream linuxdoc adding these tags.
>     >  Taketoshi Sano has been maintaining it and I'm wondering if he's
>     >  tags.  Or is
>     >  there a better way to do this?  One could put the translator just
>     >  after the author but special tags are better.  Most authors would
>     >  never need to learn about them.  Then they would need to be mapped to
>     >  the docbook tags (othercredits ...) so as to correctly convert to
>     >  mapping is not yet defined.
>     TS> In fact, the trans and tdate tags are added to the linuxdoc DTD
>     TS> by some member in our JF project (maybe mainly by Ono and Okamoto).
>     TS> And I have already applied that patch to my linuxdoc-tools.
>     TS> linuxdoctr (tr for translators) DTD is the patched one.
> Just use linuxdoctr DTD for translations (it is different DTD name so
> we can distinguish what is using <tdate> <trans> tag) and I have no
> problem with this. I think linuxdoc-tools is well-maintained and
> i18n-ed so if you have a problem with linuxdoc DTD and translator
> problem, just talk with Sano-san about last linuxdoc
> processor... sgml-tools 1.0.x branch is dead.

Yes, that will be the best way for newly submitted sgml sources.

As far as I know, the current linuxdoc-tools have some problem with
debian(because of japanese-groff patch which debian's groff package uses).
Is it fixed already? When I first heard about linuxdoc-tools from
Choi, I got to know there is some problem with debian(from debian-kr 
mailing list) & linuxdoc-tools. So I didn't even try it. I'm sorry Choi...:-)

Now let me see.....
The current linuxdoc DTD has two varients(I think "linuxdoc" for 
original author, "linuxdoctr" for translator because it accepts
<trans>, <tdate>). 

How about merging the two DTDs and make the "linuxdoc" accept
<trans>, <tdate>? If it is acceptable, this will be a clear solution.

Or if mapping <trans>,<tdate> to <othercredit role="translator"> operates 
properly, local translation effort would be much easier.

(Of course the ldp.dsl need to be changed so that <othercredit> is printed.)

Thanks very much.... 
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