I had a few comments from a LDP user (Bill Staehle, cc'ed on
this msg) a while ago concerning the filenaming convention used
for HOWTOs.
He pointed out that a handful of entries do not contain the
"-HOWTO" suffix, while the majority do. I did a quick check and
noted that these do not follow the convention:
Boot+Root+Raid+LILO Cable-Modem Cyrus-IMAP INFO-SHEET
Likewise, in the 'mini' category, the convention is generally
to use no suffix, but stick to simply the basename (ie, "Swap-Space",
"BogoMips", etc.). Again, a handful have the words "HOWTO" or
"mini" as part of their filename:
Divert-Sockets-mini-HOWTO Home-Network-mini-HOWTO
Lego-HOWTO LinuxGL-QuakeWorld-mini-HOWTO
NFS-Root-Client-mini-HOWTO Nvidia-OpenGL-Configuration-mini-HOWTO
Partition-Rescue-mini-HOWTO Wacom-USB-mini-HOWTO
So for consistency's sake, when doing Linux for free download - by classicistranieri.coms from the
command-line, or to know immediately what you are viewing, etc.;
the request is to adopt a standard naming convention and stick to it.
(We would also add this information into the LDP Author Guide.)
Are there any comments on this? I realize some bookmarks and links
might break...
Thanks in advance for any and all feedback.
Greg Ferguson - s/w engr / mtlhd | gferg at sgi.com
SGI Tech Pubs - http://techpubs.sgi.com/ |
Linux Doc Project - http://www.linuxdoc.org/ | gferg at metalab.unc.edu
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