I hope you will reconsider.
I am a (native born) US citizen and I prefer that the date format I grew
up with be the standard. I suspect most americans feel the same way.
However, we live in a big world. An empowered group of people met to
agree on a standard representation (ISO 8601 -- "2000-12-11"). And,
AFAIK, the US was represented or had the opportunity to be represented
at the sessions that set that standard.
Any standard setting effort recognizes that those not currently using
the standard have to accept the pain of change. You have an opportunity
to take a step toward establishing this standard in practice.
Please do so!
The format is different enough that we americans will wonder what is
going on. The ldp might even make a practice of publishing documents
after the 12th of the month just to help people recognize there is
something strange going on. I bet even we americans will figure out the
correct date.
Randy Kramer
David Lawyer wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 09, 2000 at 07:17:22PM -0100, Miroslav Skoric wrote:
> > David Lawyer wrote:
> > >
> > > I suppose it could be
> > > <date>v2.0, YYYY MM DD
> I retract the above statement I made. I now realize that there is
> really no standard date format and thus I think we should just keep
> the existing date format for docs in English. When people translate
> the docs they'll likely need to translate the date.
> > I don't understand the importance of a date format. I consider the
> > USians prefer one format, the Asians maybe the other, here in Serbia we
> > like DD.MM.YYYY. (look at dots) or D.(or DD.) MMM (or more M's if
> > letters) YY.(or YYYY.) etc etc. Btw, who and when needs HOWTO dates to
> > sort, so they should appear as above?
> David Lawyer
> --
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