"Robert B. Easter" wrote:
> Is there a problem with using the cvs keywords for date and revision like:
> <date>$Date$</date>
> <revnumber>$Revision$</revnumber>
> which become like:
> <date>$Date: 2001/01/04 13:41:40 $</date>
> <revnumber>$Revision: 1.2 $</revnumber>
Oof. We're going to get back into the whole date thing again.
I'm not actually sure we ecer solved it, did we? Guylhem, want
to make an executive decision and be done with it?
In terms of revision, in some cases the CVS rev will work, but
I have multiple files, of which some get updated outside
the main file that includes the revision number. Maybe a
tag release number would work.
Mark Komarinski - Senior Systems Engineer - VA Linux Systems
(cell) 978-697-2228
(email) mkomarinski@valinux.com
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