> -----Original Message-----
> From: cg@cdegroot.com [mailto:cg@cdegroot.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 11:13 PM
> To: Gregory Leblanc
> Cc: Ldp Docbook List (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: How do I mark ...?
> GLeblanc@cu-portland.edu said:
> > Specifically, there are some mailing lists listed, but they aren't
> > listed as full email addresses.
> What do you mean by that? As far as I can see the markup is
> OK, but the
> stylesheet may not do what you want when converting to PDF
> and PS. Probably
> needs a bit of customization?
The <literal remap="tt"></literal> markup has no meaning. I don't use
DocBook to get a certain presentation, I use it to get a certain meaning.
Methinks I'll probably leave them the way they are, but mark them as email
addys. Thanks,
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