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Re: application tag

TDG says:

"The appelation "application" is usually reserved for larger software
packages--WordPerfect, for example, but not grep.  In some domains,
Application may also apply to a piece of hardware."

Your usage of application for Mozilla or XFree86 sounds valid.


dcmerrill@mindspring.com wrote:
> Poet/Joshua Drake <poet@linuxports.com> wrote:
> > I think it is command
> Okay. Let me be more specific, though, because I'm not sure "command" is right in my situation.
> The "commands" I'm referencing are:
> xmodmap
> kimap
> XFree86
> I can see where grep is a "command", but I can't see where "XFree86" is a command. Or "KDE" for that matter. It is actually an "application". Some terms, such as "mozilla" could go either way. References to the Mozilla project would be "application", but if you say that you should run the "mozilla" binary, you would call that a "command". Is that proper usage?
> What's the relationship between lists.linuxdoc.org and lists.debian.org? Should I be cc'ing to both, or is that redundant?
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