>>>>> "dcmerrill" == dcmerrill <dcmerrill@mindspring.com> writes:
dcmerrill> Yes, they are all ISO characters, (e.g., ë and
dcmerrill> à) and they run through db2html just fine. I was
dcmerrill> only worried about other tools down the road. I may go
dcmerrill> ahead and convert them anyway, just to be sure.
Ok, do as you wish, but it's not needed if you don't want to do
that. It's a standard to use iso-8859-1 with SGML (and Unicode with
dcmerrill> I am just learning emacs. I mean _just_ learning, as in
dcmerrill> Chapter 2 of /Learning GNU Emacs/ from O'Reilly. :) No
dcmerrill> idea how to do anything sophisticated
dcmerrill> yet. Cut-and-paste is still cumbersome for me. But the
dcmerrill> LAG says psgml is one of the most flexible tools for
dcmerrill> DB. So, I'm learning.
I hope you like it. It's a very powerful editor. If you need some help
with it and PSGML, write me a message. I can try helping you. :-))
See you,
Godoy. <godoy@conectiva.com>
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