> -----Original Message-----
> From: Greg Ferguson [mailto:gferg@hoop.timonium.sgi.com]
> Sent: Monday, August 07, 2000 7:13 AM
> To: Dan York; Gregory Leblanc; ldp-docbook@lists.debian.org
> Cc: sgml tools lite List (E-mail)
> Subject: Re: screen not formatting properly in text output.
> On Aug 7, 10:07am, Dan York wrote:
> > Subject: Re: screen not formatting properly in text output.
> >
> > It would be great if you could get something more with text output
> > into sgmltools. That area seems to be one of the weaker areas of
> > DocBook output.
> For the LDP environment, I use sgml2text and then pipe it thru a
> simple script I wrote that rips out all the extra blank lines.
> Yes, this appeared to be a bug (in sgml-tools 1.0.9, which
> is what we use).
I think that Dan was talking about the sgmltools that I'm using, which are
"new" the sgmltools lite package. Text output for Linuxdoc is quite good,
but DocBook output tends to be lacking. I like most of what SGMLtools lite
has done, but it would be nice if there was an easy hack to replace names
with the actual URL. I'll try to post details later, but I can't get access
to things right now.
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