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Postfix stable release 2.7.0

An on-line version of this announcement is available at http://www.postfix.org/announcements/postfix-2.7.0.html

Postfix stable release 2.7.0 is available. For the past several releases, the focus has moved towards improving the code and documentation, and updating the system for changing environments.

No functionality has been removed, but it is a good idea to review the RELEASE_NOTES file for the usual minor incompatibilities or limitations.

You can find Postfix version 2.7.0 at the mirrors listed at http://www.postfix.org/

The same code (but with postscreen included) is also available as Postfix snapshot 2.8-20100213. Updated versions of Postfix version 2.6, 2.5 and perhaps earlier will be released with the same fixes that were already included with Postfix versions 2.7 and 2.8.