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Postfix stable release 3.1.4 and legacy releases 3.0.8, 2.11.9

[An on-line version of this announcement will be available at http://www.postfix.org/announcements/postfix-3.1.4.html]

Postfix stable release 3.1.4 is available, as well as legacy releases 3.0.8 and 2.11.9. There will be no further updates for Postfix 2.10.

Fixed with Postfix 3.1.4, 3.0.8, and 2.11.9:

Fixed with Postfix 3.1.4 and 3.0.8:

Fixed with Postfix 3.1.4:

You can find the updated Postfix source code at the mirrors listed at http://www.postfix.org/.