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Postfix - The Sendmail Replacement, Part II

By Kurt Seifried (seifried@securityportal.com) for SecurityPortal

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November 22, 2000 - I've written about Postfix before, over a year ago, and since then it has gotten even better. I must confess that I've been using the 31 Dec. 1999 release on my servers until last week, which, while extremely stable, lacks a lot of the features now available in current snapshots of Postfix. Postfix is now more useful than ever as a gateway mail server. I'll cover some of the more interesting available features and how you can use them to secure and protect your email infrastructure. Most of these features are actually quite old, but are probably news to most users.

This article was written using Postfix snapshot 20001030. Since then several things (like virtual) have changed, making some points in this article incorrect.


This is probably the best way of restricting incoming email to valid email accounts only. Let's assume you have a decent-sized corporate LAN based on Windows and are using Exchange server for email. Exchange can only validate incoming email based on the domain, not the user, and since it will attempt to deliver the email for 48 hours, your system can get quickly clogged up - with no easy way to clean it out. Place your Exchange server behind a firewall so no one on the Internet can connect to it directly, and then place a Postfix server on the public side. Add this to your main.cf:

smtpd_sender_restrictions = check_recipient_access

Then in your /etc/postfix/access-inbound file, simply put,

validuser@example.org	OK
example.org		REJECT

You will also need to create the hash file. The following command will do so:

postmap /etc/postfix/access

You could also use the generic access file, but splitting it up allows for extremely selective access controls. You can then have the mail delivered locally or forwarded to another (internal) system. If an email is sent to an email address not listed specifically, and the domain is covered by a reject rule, the sender will receive an email with an error like,

The Postfix program
host stench.seifried.org[] said: 554 <useraccount@stench.seifried.org>:
Recipient address rejected: Access denied

You can also specify a custom error such as "useraccount does not exist." However, a spammer could theoretically use this to build an address list by simply testing all the email addresses - those that generate an error message do not exist, and those that do not generate one do exist.


This feature can be used as intended, for having virtual users (i.e., if you handle multiple domains and more than one wants a webmaster@ email address) as well as for protecting internal servers.

virtual_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/virtual

Then in your /etc/postfix/virtual simply remap email:

userbob@example.org	userbob@internal-mail.example.org
userbo@example.org	userbo@internal-mail.example.org
userbill@example.org	userbill@internal-mail.example.org
@example.org		bounce-local

You will also need to create the hash file:

postmap /etc/postfix/virtual

If incoming email does not match a virtual user, mapping it is sent to another address, in this example a local user called "bounce-local." It may then be blackholed to /dev/null, simply bounced (no such user), or sent to an admin email account - where it is deleted or forwarded to the correct person, if an obvious typo was made in the address, or whatever. You can also use a database backend instead of a hash or dbm file. This is definitely the way to go for large installations. See man virtual(5) for more information. Simply use the same machine as the outbound mail server (i.e., smart host) and it will rewrite the email addresses outgoing from @internal-mail.example.org to @example.org (or whatever you want).


This keyword lets you allow only local delivery of email to valid users and/or definitions in the aliases map. Thus any email bound for a nonexistent user gets bounced immediately with an error message saying the user does not exist. This is useful if you the postmaster do not want to receive as many error messages. Potentially, however, an attacker could use this to find valid names (anything valid won't generate an error). This is probably most useful for large installations such as ISPs and large corporations. An additional consideration would be to use relocated_maps. Simply put this in your main.cf:

local_recipient_maps = $alias_maps unix:passwd.byname

This will accept any email defined in aliases or for user accounts in the password database.


This is an ideal feature for large companies that want to remap users without too much trouble. It allows you to specify the original email address and the new email address. For example, user joebob goes to another ISP instead of forwarding all their mail, which results in senders not realizing it has changed. They get an error message specifying the new email address. This can be used for wholesale domain moves as well. Simply add the following to your main.cf:

relocated_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/relocated

Then put the email address, username or domain name, followed by the email address or domain name, and anyone sending email in will get a nice error telling them the new address. See man relocated(5) for more information.

Blocking Spam

This is probably one of the favorite features for administrators; under Postfix it is trivial to implement. Simple add the following to your main.cf:

maps_rbl_domains = rbl.maps.vix.com, dul.maps.vix.com 

The rbl is the real-time blackhole list, basically a list of known spammers and open relays that spammers use. The dul is the dialup list. Generally speaking, you shouldn't be receiving to much email directly from dialup users, i.e., people using their own servers. However, quite a few legitimate users do set up their own email servers for use on dialup links, and blocking them inadvertently may be a problem.

Database Backends

One thing I really love about Postfix is the ability to use databases instead of flat text files or hash and dbm files. Currently only MySQL is supported, but that is more than sufficient for most users. You must first compile in support for MySQL. See the "MYSQL_README" file for more information on this. Then you simply create a table in the MySQL database of usernames, virtual mappings or whatever. The cool thing is, this allows for very efficient sharing of configuration files between servers; and since you can specify multiple MySQL servers, you can replicate the database and avoid a single point of failure as well as being able to vary the order the databases are listed in on various servers, as a simplistic form of load balancing.

MySQL has plans to add database replication to its available features. For now, you will have to create your own solution, such as a simple tool that connects to and updates all the databases at once. The configuration is reasonably simple. In your main.cf, put something like,

alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql-aliases.cf

And then in the mysql-aliases.cf, put

user = someone
password = some_password
dbname = customer_database
table = mxaliases
select_field = forw_addr
where_field = alias
additional_conditions = and status = 'paid'
hosts = maildb1.example.org maildbt2.example.org

This would allow you to have a table called "mxaliases" in the database called "customer_database," where the field "forw_addr" matches and where the "status" field is set to "paid" (so you can easily block email to customers who don't fork over). The really useful thing is that you can easily update configuration files on the fly. As soon as it is updated in the database, it's ready to go. Additionally, this makes giving users control over their own accounts much easier. A Web hosting provider could easily let people handle virtual user mappings on their own domain, for example, through a cgi interface.


Transport Layer Security is to email as SSL is to Web browsing. TLS allows you to encrypt email transfers from server to server, but more importantly, it allows you to add authentication to the mail server. Instead of having to allow access based on IP and hostname, you can use usernames and passwords. That way people can connect securely from off-site - while using dialup on the road - and spammers are not able to use you as a relay.

There is an add-on TLS package for Postfix (see URL at bottom) available from Germany. (Germany is very pro-encryption; the federal government has even gone so far as to sponsor GnuPG development.) TLS is becoming more common now that the RSA patent has expired. Red Hat 7.0 ships Sendmail configured for TLS out of the box.

Regular Expressions

Postfix supports the use of regular expressions for header rewriting and other neat tricks. There's support for basic regex (regexp), and support for perl-compatible regular expressions (PCRE). The first are simpler. To use them, just put this in your main.cf:

header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header-checks

And then add rules to your header-checks file; the target can be REJECT, OK or a custom error.

/^Subject: Make money fast/		REJECT
/^X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express/	REJECT

See man regexp_table(5) for more information. You can also use PCRE by simply specifying pcre: instead of regexp: in your main.cf. The rules are basically the same, except that the syntax used for pattern matching is a bit more advanced.

/^friend@(?!my.domain).*$/ 550 Stick this in your pipe $0

See man pcre_table(5) for more information.


Postfix is ideal for large installations, with its database backends and extremely tight control of mail delivery. Additionally, it supports numerous security features, such as TLS and even the ability to specify which users are allowed to send mail off-site and which aren't - again, in a very selective manner. Qmail has quite a few of these features, but has one significant problem: The license makes it extremely difficult to distribute in a binary format, which is what most people want.

Postfix, on the other hand, comes under the IBM Public License, which is surprisingly considerate to end users. My real favorite is the simplicity of configuration. An average main.cf is under 30 lines of configuration directives. Hopefully more vendors will start shipping Postfix with their distributions.

Related Links

FAQ and other information pages

TLS for Postfix

Postfix RPMs and SRPMs



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