The Mele A1000 is an Internet Set Top Box, with ARM CPU, running Android 2.3.
This release is Puppy Linux built from Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04) armel binary packages, plus some custom compiled applications.
This file: mele-sd-4gb-lui-5.2.90.img.xz
Is a SD-card image, for a 4GB card. Unfortunately, "4GB" means whatever
the manufacturer can get away with in case of the cheaper cards.
This image file expands to 3,956,359,168 bytes (3773.078MB, 3.684646GB), and the SD card must be at least that.
In Linux, you can find out the size by typing this in a terminal window:
> fdisk -l
Or, if you have the 'disktype' utility, and for the example of the SD card being /dev/sdb:
> disktype /dev/sdb
Please be sure card is unmounted beforehand! Then write the image to the card. patient, writing to Flash memory is very slow.
Please always type "sync" command after dd has completed, to flush the
filesystem buffers before you unplug the card -- otherwise the card may
be corrupted.
After writing the image to the SD card, insert the card into the Mele
and power-on. It will be slightly slower at bootup the first time, but
subsequent bootups take about 17 seconds, from pressing the power-on
button to the graphical desktop fully loaded.
Having released this 'alpha', I am stopping work on the port of Puppy to
the Mele, as there are various unresolved issues that greater minds
than me will need to solve:
SATA hard drive not recognised
Framebuffer console not working (you cannot exit from X to console)
Puppy Linux has the SFS system, for loading of mega-packages. devx-*.sfs
is a mega-package with everything needed to compile in Puppy.
Normally, they can be chosen to load at bootup by the BootManager,
however, this installation on the SD card does not support that
mechanism, you have to do it manually (and it is irreversible):
Click on the devx-*.sfs file, which will mount it. Open a terminal in
the mounted directory (press back-tick character) and copy the contents
to the root filesystem: