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Feedback: German book on Linux Kernel Programming

Forum: Other Sources of Information
Keywords: German book in Linux Kernel Hacking
Date: Mon, 27 May 1996 13:19:59 GMT
From: Jochen Hein <jochen.hein@informatik.tu-clausthal.de>

There is a german book on "Linux-Kernel-Programmierung"
Algorithmen und Strukturen der Version 1.2
Michael Beck, Harald Böhme, Mirko Dziadzka, Ulrich Kunitz,
Robert Magnus, Dirk Verworner
Addison-Wesley, Germany, ISBN 3-89319-939-x, DEM 79,90
Covers Release 1.2 in detail; 500 pages.
I don't know, if there's an english translation.


1. Feedback: English version of Linux Kernel Internals by Naoshad Eduljee
-> Question: Book Review? by Josh Du"Bois
-> Feedback: Thumbed through it by Brian J. Murrell

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