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Question: Book Review?

Forum: Other Sources of Information
Re: Feedback German book on Linux Kernel Programming (Jochen Hein)
Re: Feedback English version of Linux Kernel Internals (Naoshad Eduljee)
Keywords: German book in Linux Kernel Hacking
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 1996 23:50:34 GMT
From: Josh Du"Bois <duboisj@is.com>

Has anyone read the english version of this book? I'd love go get my hands on a good linux kernel-hacking guide. If anyone has read this and has comments please post them here or email me at duboisj@is.com. If I don't hear that it's worthless, or if it takes a while for anyone to respond, I'll try and pick up a copy and read it myself/post a review here.

Naoshad Eduljee - thanks for the tip,




1. Feedback: Thumbed through it by Brian J. Murrell

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