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[Photo of the Author]
von Philipp Gühring

Über den Autor:

Philipp, der uns diese Zeilen gschickt hat, besucht momentan das HTL Wiener Neustadt, eine technische Schule für Informationstechnologie. Er ist ein Linux-Fan und aktives Mitglied der Linux User Group in Österreich. Bitte beachte, daß Philipp uns diese Zeilen nur geschickt hat, wer der wirkliche Autor ist, wissen wir nicht genau.

Übersetzt ins Deutsche von:
Guido Socher <guido(at)linuxfocus.org>



Lustige Unix csh/sh Kommandos



 Viel Spaß!


Mit csh:

    (~)> cat "food in cans"
    cat: can't open food in cans
    (~)> nice man woman
    No manual entry for woman.
    (~)> rm God
    rm: God nonexistent
    (~)> ar t God
    ar: God does not exist
    (~)> ar r God
    ar: creating God
    (~)> "How would you rate Quayle's incompetence?
    Unmatched ".
    (~)> [Where is Jimmy Hoffa?
    Missing ].
    (~)> ^How did the sex change operation go?
    ^ Modifier failed.
    (~)> If I had a ( for every $ the Congress spent, what would I have?
    Too many ('s.
    (~)> make love
    Make: Don't know how to make love. Stop.
    (~)> sleep with me
    bad character
    (~)> got a light?
    No match.
    (~)> man: why did you get a divorce?
    man:: Too many arguments.
    (~)> !:say, what is saccharine?
    Bad substitute.
    (~)> %blow
    (~)>blow: No such job.


Mit sh:

$ PATH=pretending!/usr/ucb/which sense no sense in pretending! $ drink bottle: cannot open opener: not

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Autoren und Übersetzer:
fr --> -- : Philipp Gühring <p.guehring(at)poboxes.com>
en --> de: Guido Socher <guido(at)linuxfocus.org>

2002-02-24, generated by lfparser version 2.26