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Re: translation issue for web site

On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 06:30:25PM +0900, NAKANO Takeo wrote:
> OK, so you mean for example, let www.ja.linuxdoc.org/us/
> point the original LDP site, right? :-) 

I don't think we *need* this, but I'm open to any discussion.

This option is by far better than hosting a whole copy of each local LDP

It should be done only where it is possible and with the languages some
local LDP needs.

Maybe it could be indicated with little flags on the first page ?

For ex., if www.ja.linuxdoc.org mirrors us, id and es pages, you would
add three little flags on the first page, and a 'others' one which would
open a list of local LDPs

> Rather, we should concentrate on preparing good link pages
> in each local ldps?

I will post a list of the local LDPs soon (people are still responding
to the original message)

Guylhem Aznar, Linux Documentation Project leader: http://www.linuxdoc.org
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