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Re: translation issue for web site

On Sat, 11 Sep 1999, Guylhem Aznar wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 11, 1999 at 06:30:25PM +0900, NAKANO Takeo wrote:
> > OK, so you mean for example, let www.ja.linuxdoc.org/us/
> > point the original LDP site, right? :-) 
> This option is by far better than hosting a whole copy of each local
> LDP anywhere. It should be done only where it is possible and with the
> languages some local LDP needs.

	Is it not more sensible for all LDP mirrors to look eaxctly the
same - ie http://www.XX.linuxdoc.org/YY/ is identical - but only exist on
the servers where they are useful and others to be redirects.  This allows
content to depend on servers but all content to be available in a
consistent manner through all servers.  This should be easier to
administrate, to keep in order and for people to use.

> Maybe it could be indicated with little flags on the first page ? For
> ex., if www.ja.linuxdoc.org mirrors us, id and es pages, you would add
> three little flags on the first page, and a 'others' one which would
> open a list of local LDPs

	The problem is that this would require different LDP index pages
for different sites and that is more than mirroring - it is content
creation.  This has two problems - 1) many mirrors do not want to content
create just to mirror, and 2) if content creation is open to all mirrors
then they can get easily out of sync.

> > Rather, we should concentrate on preparing good link pages
> > in each local ldps?

	Why not simply good links on the main LDP site and then everyone
who mirrors it gets those links automatically?


	Paul S Jenner
	GNU/Linux Advocate

	E-mail:	psj@mustec.eu.org
	WWW:	http://www.mustec.eu.org/~psj/


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