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Re: Are we good enough ?

Guylhem Aznar <guylhem@oeil.qc.ca> wrote:

> We (the "core" team) get very few feedback from authors.
> Could ppl please tell us if our work for the LDP is good enough ?
> If it is not, what should we improve ?

Frankly, I'm getting really annoyed that I've tried to update my Mini 
How-To without success for over three months.

I realize we're all volunteers, but I think that keeping the
information up to date is much more important to the users (and the
authors) than making the LDP Web pages look nice or organizing logo

Please update my Mini How-To, and all the other How-Tos, and only then
start thinking about the new-and-improved LDP organization, quality
control, fancy Web pages, and so on. 

Yves Bellefeuille <yan@storm.ca>, Ottawa, Canada
Francais / English / Esperanto
Maintainer, Esperanto FAQ: http://www.esperanto.net/veb/faq.html
PGP key at the servers and at http://www.storm.ca/~yan/pgp.asc

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