> Frankly, I'm getting really annoyed that I've tried to update my Mini
> How-To without success for over three months.
This is rather a harsh tone, but I'm sure it's not your intent.
The doc in question (Hard Disk Upgrade Mini How-To) is still sitting on my
machine, and has not been updated. For this I apologize, but it was not
The update was sent to me in text format, and not of the required format
which is either sgml (preferred) or html.
I sent an email stating this, but perhaps you never received it?
> I realize we're all volunteers, but I think that keeping the
> information up to date is much more important to the users (and the
> authors) than making the LDP Web pages look nice or organizing logo
> contests.
I think we'd all agree with this point.
> Please update my Mini How-To, and all the other How-Tos, and only then
> start thinking about the new-and-improved LDP organization, quality
> control, fancy Web pages, and so on.
As soon as I get the sgml source or html version of the mini-HOWTO I'll
gladly process it and get it uploaded.
Best Regards,
Linux HOWTO coordinator http://metalab.unc.edu/LDP/HOWTO
tjbynum@metalab.unc.edu, linux-howto@metalab.unc.edu (HOWTO's)
tjbynum@wallybox.cei.net (Home)
tbynum@rineco.com (Work)
http://wallybox.cei.net:5119/cgi-bin/pageme.cgi (Alpha Pager)
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