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Re: [oswg-dis] Re: reader comments & reviews

Guylhem Aznar wrote:

> An author recently suggested we should link your site too.

You're more than welcome to do so :)
> Would you allow us retreiving documents (we will open a DocBook section
> very soon ; Jorge Godoy is our DocBook coordinator) and including them
> on our search engine?

You want to mirror the OSWG?  Why?  The Open Source Documentation Index
(http://www.oswg.org:8080/oswg/query/osdi/) already lists all the OSWG
documents, all the LDP HOWTO, the majority of the LDP mini-HOWTOs, and
docs from a growing number of other sources as well.  We expect to
finish indexing the LDP content within the next few days.  The Index is
both browsable and searchable, and includes references to documentation
from other sources, besides.  It will be growing exponentially as we
build a team of indexers.  Our browsing and searching facilities will
also be enhanced over the next few weeks (I'm going to Linux World Expo
in NY tomorrow, and cannot work on these enhancements until afterwards).

The OSWG content is already mirrored in a few places:


I'm curious about what having the OSWG content included at the LDP site
would accomplish.  You must keep in mind that most of the OSWG documents
are not licensed according to the LDP License or boilerplate copyright
notice.  Additionally, the OSWG content is not necessarily
Linux-specific.  This being the case, I don't really see how the OSWG
content is really appropriate for inclusion in the LDP.

- deb


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