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kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp said:
> I have heard that the project has stopped the support for this old
> branch (v1) and has been concentrated in the development of current
> branch (v2, current is 2.0.2). 

Worse, the whole project has stopped (the original maintainer - I - stepped 
down, see the website, and nobody took over yet). Neither v1 nor v2 are 
currently being maintained, and if there's still an active need for v1 because 
the LDP keeps lingering at this old stuff, somebody should pick up maintenance.

I would still strongly recommend the LDP to finally make the transition from 
Linuxdoc to DocBook, and invest into that than into something that's really a 
dead end.


Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>

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