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Proposed announcement etc, 2.nd revision

I got some feedback on the proposed texts I posted 1.st february on
 - announcement text
 - intro.ldp manpage source
 - intro.txt the above formatted

Additionally I am here submitting a proposal to the
stub manpage for my own Multi Disk HOWTO, a manpage
that I hope can make man -k <keyword> also find the
HOWTO collection.

So, once again: please give me feedback!

(Straight off I just noticed the stub manpage didn't format well
but I am not good at manpage authoring.)

I feel the announcement should be sent by the main
contact address for the LDP, otherwise I am likely to
receive a lot of incorrectly adressed email.


After some restructuring of the Linux Documentation Project (LDP)
we feel ready to serve the Linux community from the new home:

The LDP has collected and produced numerous documents such as
 - guides
 - HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs
 - FAQs
 - man pages
and more.

All in all the LDP endeavors to produce and provide a one-stop source of
information relating to the various aspects of Linux. There is now also
a search engine on the front page to help you quickly and efficiently
locate the documents you need. If you have a question, chances are you
will find what you need here.

These documents are produced for you, the end users. That means if there
is anything in the documents you find unclear, ambiguous or incorrect
you should not hesitate in contacting the author. While the workload of
the authors in general may be high and cannot be expected to answer specific
problems you may have on your machine, generally authors are only happy to
receive feedback on the documents.

Likewise, if you feel you have something to contribute or you wish to try
your hands as an LDP author you are welcome to contact the LDP coordinator
with your inputs (see the HOWTO-HOWTO). Remember that new documents are
produced all the time so it is important to contact the LDP before you
start writing in order to eliminate the possibility of duplicate work.

Remember that you do not have to be on-line to read the HOWTOs, in many
cases these documents are installed with your Linux distribution and can
be found at
	file:///usr/doc/HOWTO	/usr/doc/HOWTO/

   Stein Gjoen


.ig \"-*- nroff -*-
Copyright (C) 2000 Stein Gjoen

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be included in
translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in
the original English.
.TH "LDP Introduction" "ldp" "February 6, 2000" "LDP"
LDP \- Intro to the Linux Documentation Project, with help, guides and
The Linux Documentation Project, or LDP for short, provides free
guides, FAQs, HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs and man-pages to the Linux community.

The various documents in the LDP archives are maintained by individual
authors, and are listed in the beginning of each HOWTO. If you have
any questions or inputs to a document we encourage you to contact the
authors directly.

The LDP now has its own dedicated web site as do many of
the various translations projects which are linked from the
main LDP web site at

LDP has a number of mailing lists, mostly of use for authors:
.PD 0
Announcements from the LDP project
General discussion on the LDP project

Most distributions include the HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs in the installation
.PD 0
\fB/usr/doc/\fP             (most documentation is here)
\fB/usr/doc/HOWTO/\fP       (HOWTO files)
\fB/usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/\fP  (mini-HOWTO files)
\fBinfo\fP pages as read with Emacs
.' (avoiding a yodl bug)
.' (avoiding a yodl bug)


LDP Introduction(ldp)                       LDP Introduction(ldp)

       LDP - Intro to the Linux Documentation Project, with help,
       guides and documents

       The Linux Documentation Project, or LDP  for  short,  pro-
       vides  free  documentation, guides, FAQs, HOWTOs and mini-
       HOWTOs and man-pages to the Linux community.

       The various documents in the LDP archives  are  maintained
       by  individual authors, and are listed in the beginning of
       each HOWTO. If you have any questions or inputs to a docu-
       ment we encourage you to contact the authors directly.

       The  LDP  now has its own dedicated web site as do many of
       the various translations projects which  are  linked  from
       the main LDP web site at http://www.linuxdoc.org/

       LDP  has  a  number  of  mailing  lists, mostly of use for

              Announcements from the LDP project

              General discussion on the LDP project

       Most distributions include the HOWTOs and  mini-HOWTOs  in
       the installation
       /usr/doc/             (most documentation is here)
       /usr/doc/HOWTO/       (HOWTO files)
       /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini/  (mini-HOWTO files)


       info pages as read with Emacs

LDP                      February 6, 2000                       1


.ig \"-*- nroff -*-
Copyright (C) 2000 Stein Gjoen

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of
this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice
are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this
manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the
entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
versions, except that this permission notice may be included in
translations approved by the Free Software Foundation instead of in
the original English.
.TH "Stub man page for the Multi Disk HOWTO" "ldp" "February 6, 2000" "LDP"
Multi Disk HOWTO \- Multi disk design, partitioning, formatting, tuning and
This document describes how best to use multiple disks and partitions
for a Linux system. Although some of this text is Linux specific the
general approach outlined here can be applied to many other multi tasking
operating systems.

Most distributions include the HOWTOs and mini-HOWTOs in the installation
.PD 0
\fB/dev/\fP             (device files)
\fB/etc/fstab\fP        (mount list)
\fB/etc/mdtab\fP        (old style RAID table)
\fB/etc/raidtab\fP      (new style RAID table)

Tips, Partition, Partition Rescue, Large-Disk, LILO, Software-RAID, Upgrade



Stub man page for the StubimanspageWforlthe Multi Disk HOWTO(ldp)

       Multi  Disk  HOWTO - Multi disk design, partitioning, for-
       matting, tuning and maintenence

       This document describes how best to use multiple disks and
       partitions  for a Linux system. Although some of this text
       is Linux specific the general approach outlined  here  can
       be  applied to many other multi tasking operating systems.

       Most distributions include the HOWTOs and  mini-HOWTOs  in
       the installation
       /dev/             (device files)
       /etc/fstab        (mount list)
       /etc/mdtab        (old style RAID table)
       /etc/raidtab      (new style RAID table)

       Tips, Partition, Partition Rescue, Large-Disk, LILO, Soft-
       ware-RAID, Upgrade

       fdisk(8), mount(8), mkfs(1), umount(8)


   Stein Gjoen

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with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster@lists.debian.org