Gulbrandsen has implemented unicode address support according to RFC 6530-32 on behalf of CNNIC. A patch that requires the TLS patch is
available for download, ask Arnt if you prefer a patch without TLS.
2008/09/24Andrew Richards traps early
talkers in the SMTP dialog. Building on the work of Erwin
Hoffmann and John Simpson, Andrew has a patch to netqmail-1.06 (with
qmail-errmsg logging patch) to catch and disconnect connections that
try to send SMTP commands before the SMTP greeting has been issued by
the server.
2007/05/30Andrew Richards has written NORCPTHOSTS,
which mandates authentication for relaying hosts. The sender must
authenticate before sending _any_ mail (including to rcpthosts listed
domains), regardless of the content of control/rcpthosts[.cdb]. It's
enabled by an environment variable.
Clippinger has written a filter for qmail that blocks spam at
connection-time, called spamdyke It's
similar to DJB's rblsmtpd but it provides a lot more features than
rblsmtpd, including blacklisting, graylisting, limiting numbers of
recipients, checking rDNS entries, checking DNS RBLs, vastly superior
logging and more. spamdyke supports SMTP AUTH and TLS, and will even
provide SMTP AUTH to unpatched qmail installations! Recompiling qmail
is not necessary to use spamdyke.
2006/09/02Folkert van Heusden wrote multitail, which
monitors multiple logfiles. MultiTail lets you view one or
multiple files like the original tail program. The difference is that
it creates multiple windows on your console (with ncurses).
2006/06/06Russ Nelson wrote the selfhelo patch, which
causes qmail-smtpd to reject email sent using a HELO hostname equal to
your IP address, your hostname, or any hostname without dots.
2006/05/26Niki Denev wrote qstat-gid.
It prints info about the messages in the qmail queue sorted per GID.
He uses it to quickly see if any user sends excessive amounts of
mail/spam and fills the queue.
2006/05/24Jon Lewis has an SMTP banner delay
program. This causes SMTP clients which give up early, or start
pipelining too soon, to have their connections rejected. Typically
these clients are sources of spam.
2005/07/13EnderUNIX has
updated qsheff, a
qmail-queue replacement to filter mail traffic and more. It
supports body filtering, subject filtering, attachment filtering,
quarantine, white/black list, single line logging for qmail and many
2004/10/28Paul Jarc's realrcptto patch changes
qmail-smtpd so it uses the same tests as qmail-send to choose a .qmail
file. The email might still be bounced by the .qmail file, but if
it would bounce because there is no applicable .qmail file, then the
email is rejected in the smtp dialog.
by Len Budney. Qscanq provides a virus-scanning wrapper for
qmail. Qscanq scans every email message submitted to qmail before
allowing it to be added to qmail's mail queue. Infected emails are
rejected, not bounced, so you won't have to deal with double-bounces
during virus outbreaks.
2004/06/07Oliver Neubauer has a validrcptto
patch, which rejects invalid addresses in the SMTP dialog. Note
that you cannot use this if you have any .qmail files ending in
-default, e.g. any ezmlm lists.
2004/06/01Jay Soffian has modified
qmail-smtpd to fork/exec
$RCPTCHECK at the RCPT TO:. $RCPTCHECK is run in the same
environment as qmail-smtpd. Additionally $SENDER is set to the
envelope from and $RECIPIENT is set to the envelope recipient (for the
current rcpt to:). Based on the return code (exit value) of
$RCPTCHECK, the rcpt to: address will either be accepted or rejected.
2004/03/29qregex provides
full regexp matching on envelope addresses.With REs (Regular
Expresions) it becomes quite easy to filter out email addresses that
contain invalid characters or simply aren't a real address. Andrew
St. Jean has added case
insensitive pattern matching and logging when a match is found.
2003/12/03Chris Johnson
wrote qdated to
create and verify timestamped e-mail addresses. These addresses
expire after a user-configurable period of time; any mail sent to an
expired address will bounce.
allows users to to check and change their passwords using Courier
authentication modules. It can optionally read authentication tokens
from stdin and send logging information to syslog or stderr.
2003/10/09Erwin Hoffmann wrote QMVC - Qmail Mail and
Virus Control is an unidirectional Mail Filter and Virus Scanner
for Qmail. It runs from your .qmail file.
2003/05/07 qmail ought to recognize as a local IP
address. This
patch from Scott Gifford implements that change.
2003/05/07Scott Gifford's moreipme
patch is available. This solves the problem seen when a host
has more IP addresses than it knows about. This happens in particular
when you have an IP masquerading load balancer in front of a host.
2003/01/29Net::QMTP - This
perl module implements an object oriented interface to a Quick Mail
Transfer Protocol (QMTP) client which enables a perl program to
send email by QMTP.
2003/01/12 The definitions of errno in qmail (and tcpserver)
do not work with the newest glibc (2.3.1). Debian and redhat are
updating to this glibc. Executables compiled with older glibc's (2.3)
abort on startup, and recompilation with 2.3.1 is not possible. Mate
Wierdl has patches for all
of djb's software. Erwin Hoffmann points out that a one-line sed
script will fix most of DJB's software. Look in the Tips section.
2002/12/05LinuxMagic is porting their
Anti-Spam/Valid User checking program, magic-smtpd, a
drop-in replacement for qmail-smtpd over to opensource. Features
checking for Valid Users, Spam conditions, and smtpd RCPT-TO rate
limiting, all at the smtpd level to reduce server loads before it hits
the queue. Supports stock qmail, qmail/vpopmail, and LinuxMagic
Mailserver installs.
2002/11/06Miguel Beccari has QmailToaster RPM
packages. Features: Mail Server (pop3, pop3-ssl, imap4, imap-ssl,
smtp, smtp-ssl), Web Administration Tools (vpopmail, vqadmin), Web
Mail Client (horde), Mailing lists(ezmlm), Autoresponder, Antispam.
2002/09/25James Raftery wants the canonicalized hostname in
the logfile, so he can see the real envelope recipients of
messages after host name canonicalization. If you send a mail to me
at lecter@www.redbroock.dcu.ie, your logs will show 'to remote
lecter@www.redbrook.dcu.ie' but qmail-remote will actually use
'lecter@prodigy.redbrook.dcu.ie' in the RCPT TO command.
2002/06/04Len Budney wrote a little C program
called safecat,
which implements DJB's maildir algorithm to copy stdin to a file in a
maildir. When exit codes are checked, as by qmail-local or fetchmail
with -w option, it should be as reliable as qmail's own maildir
delivery (which heavily influenced the safecat).
2002/01/11Bruce Guenter wrote mailfront, a package
containing customizeable network front-ends for mail servers;
specifically SMTP and POP3. Supports SMTP auth and POP3 AUTH
2001/05/29Peter van Dijk suggests that
you have two services running smtpd, one using recordio and the
other not. He says that it's a great diagnostic tool. Create
/service/qmail-smtpd as you would normally. Create
/service/qmail-smtpd-recordio as a copy with recordio inserted, and
logging to a separate space (be sure to chmod this logdir tight
because recordio records complete emails). Create
/service/qmail-smtpd-recordio/down. The switchover is then simply:
2001/05/22iGENUS is a chinese webmail
system for perl + qmail + vpopmail + mysql.
is a simple Webmail solution for mail servers based on qmail and
optionally vmailmgr. This a GPL project, maintained by Olivier Müller. The mails are read
directly from Maildirs on the harddisk, which is much quicker than
using protocols like POP3 or IMAP. Other features includes multiple
language support (currently English, French, German and Italian),
folders and addressbook support. oMail is programmed in
Perl. Developers and translators are welcome to subscribe to the devel mailing
2001/04/27Davide Giunchi wrote qmail-masq[uerade].
It will masquerade the internal address with an external one when
sending email from local network users to the external internet users.
2001/01/19Alex Kramarov has created qmail-print-queue to print
the qmail queue contents - it runs on all messages and displayes
the from:, to: and date: headers; can also dump the full header of the
message if ran with "-h" switch (if mess822 is properly installed). It
is useful in conjunction with monitoring tools like qmail-mrtg and
2001/01/19Vmailadmin is a web
application that allow your client to administer the pop accounts in
his domain, easily and with security, without the need to contact
ISP staff.
2001/01/10Russ Nelson has a qmtpd tarball for people using
0.70 or later daemontools with qmail.
Just drop it into your /service directory, and five seconds later,
you're running qmtpd. Don't forget to set your lowest MX priority to
12801, or all your deliveries will occur using SMTP. This is a
companion to his qmail-remote patch.
2001/01/10 Mail2DB -- Store incoming mail
in a PostgreSQL database.Mail2DB is suitable
for putting in a .qmail/.forward file and will archive e-mail to a SQL
database. Currently, there is only the storage component. This was
written because somone on a LUG list expressed interest in such a
system, but he only knew PHP (which isn't an ideal language for
calling from a .qmail file ;-). Hopefully a user interface will be
2000/12/27The qmailanalog package
analyzes qmail log files in various ways. Russ Allbery has written
which converts the tai64n that daemontools-0.63 produces into the
fractional seconds that qmailanalog expects. Peter Samuel has
implemented the same idea as a patch
to daemontools using Dan's coding style (Jay Soffian also wrote
one substantially similar to Peter's). Finally (hopefully) John Levine
went ahead and fixed qmailanalog to accept
tai64n dates.
2000/12/03Jason Haar wrote Qmail-Scanner (also known
as scan4virus), which scans all gatewayed Email for certain
characteristics. It is typically used for its anti-virus protection
functions, in which case it is used in conjunction with commercial
virus scanners. but also enables a site to react to Email (at a
server/site level) that contains specific strings in particular
headers, or particular attachment filenames or types (e.g. *.VBS
2000/11/08 Jon Rust wrote qrblcheck, which reads
a message on stdin, grabs the IP address from the Received lines and
checks it against five different DNS-based spamlists.
2000/04/18 William E. Baxter has released qtools, a
suite of utilities for use in .qmail files. The tools support
applying a filter to a message body, message head, or entire message;
conditional delivery of a message to a Maildir; and configuration of
simple autorepliers.
2000/01/14Jeff Hayward has a patch to qmail-local (which arguably belongs
down below in the patches section except that Paul Gregg's quota check
was already here) which treats quota
exceeded as a permanent error, bouncing the message back to the
This puts .qmail in his home directory but everything
else is in .qmails/. This changes ~/.qmail-foo to
~/.qmails/foo and really cleans up his home.
Buddhdev] wrote turnmail, modified by
Russell Nelson for publication here, which wraps around qmail-pop3d
and triggers a serialmail delivery to the connecting host whose user
just authenticated themselves. Or, a Unix system can use fetchmail,
or an NT system pullmail.
checks your qmail configuration for common problems. Prints warning
or error messages to stdout.
Nelson's qmail-popbull
program lets you create bulletins which get added to a user's
mailbox as they log in. Equivalent to an all-customers mailing list,
but takes up much less resources, and lets you withdraw bulletins.